The Dangers of Asbestos Exposure on U.S. Navy Ships: A Comprehensive Guide

The US Navy has been using asbestos extensively since late 1930s on all its ships due its fireproof properties which also make it extremely dangerous for human health when inhaled.

The Dangers of Asbestos Exposure on U.S. Navy Ships: A Comprehensive Guide

The USS Pasadena received the “E” efficiency award from the Submarine Squadron in 1998. The submarine badge was originally designed by Walt Disney. Asbestos was once considered an ideal substance for military assets because it is fireproof, lightweight, inexpensive, and resistant to corrosion. All branches of the military used asbestos during the 20th century, with the Navy being the branch with the highest rate of asbestos use. As a result, it was used extensively on all ships built starting in the late 1930s.

The Navy's fleet went from 394 ships in 1939 to nearly 7,000 in 1945 due, in part, to asbestos. However, the same properties that made the use of asbestos so advantageous for shipbuilding also made it extremely dangerous for the human body. When products containing asbestos are altered, asbestos fibers can be detached and inhaled, becoming lodged in the body. Over time, this can lead to the development of a rare cancer called mesothelioma.

Companies that manufactured and sold products containing asbestos misled the military about the safety of this toxic mineral. These companies had scientific and medical knowledge that asbestos could cause health problems, but they chose to hide this information from the public in a global effort to maximize profits at the expense of so many United States Navy personnel who had already been exposed. Because mesothelioma symptoms can take 20 to 50 years to appear, some veterans who served in the U. S. Navy decades ago were only now diagnosed with this rare cancer. Since asbestos naturally traps heat and sound, it was mainly used for fire protection and as an insulator for U.

Navy ships during most of the 20th century. It was often used to align, cover, or refill ship equipment to prevent fires aboard ships and reduce any potential damage caused by enemy gunfire. Due to the widespread use of asbestos on warships, there are many different parts of ships that may have exposed it to asbestos during their service in the U. Navy. By working with a law firm specializing in mesothelioma, such as Sokolove Law, you can get experienced legal help to gather the evidence needed to prove your exposure to asbestos and file a lawsuit against the manufacturers of the asbestos-containing products responsible for causing your illness. In addition to common ship parts, asbestos was also used to help protect different areas of U.

Navy barracks and family homes used asbestos in their roofs, walls and tiles. A sad consequence of abundance, members of the U. Navy had nowhere to escape asbestos dust which was practically everywhere and being concentrated in poorly ventilated enclosed spaces didn't help. As a result, service members who worked in U. Navy ships or shipyards have the highest risk of developing asbestos-related diseases such as mesothelioma - a rare cancer caused by exposure to asbestos. On Navy ships, exposure to asbestos was not limited to certain rates (or occupations) in the U.

Navy; however some fees put sailors at an even greater risk than others. From aircraft carriers to submarines, U. Navy service members were at risk of exposure to asbestos on most ships. Shipbuilders, maintenance workers, and those who dismantled ships were also at risk of exposure as their jobs required them to build, repair, and renovate ships that relied heavily on asbestos. Unfortunately, the health risks of asbestos exposure also extended to families of shipyard workers as asbestos fibers adhere easily to fabric and other materials so they could have been brought home with workers in clothes, shoes, and hair which could have exposed loved ones to second-hand asbestos. If you have been diagnosed with an asbestos-related illness such as mesothelioma or asbestosis you may be entitled to compensation that we can fight for on your behalf. Don't delay calling (800) 647-3434 for a free case review now.

Heidi Course
Heidi Course

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